Contribution to Sustainable Green Practices and the Environment

The proposed centre will incorporate best practice based low-carbon, environmentally friendly design and structure thus making the building both low-cost and sustainable to maintain.


Carbon Footprint

This community venture will facilitate the reduction of the carbon footprint as the travel and associated ‘carbon-kms’ representing local community groups traveling to access alternative facilities will be dramatically reduced and in some cases eliminated. For example, the local basketball team ( Which caters for over 370 members) currently have to travel to access adequate training and match facilities. It is estimated that the community centre would directly contribute to the elimination of 80,000 carbon-kms annually equating to a reduction of 10.5 tonnes of CO2 from this one example alone.

Low emission Energy Efficiency

To reduce energy costs this new community venture will maximize the latest and most advanced eco- systems including a geothermal heating and cooling system, solar power, as well as low-flow toilets, water-saving taps and rainwater harvesting. This venue will be built to the highest standards of Environmental friendly and Energy efficient Design practices.

Energy Efficient Power Delivery Systems

Our new zero carbon building will incorporate energy efficient technologies including an air source heat pump heating system, LED lighting technology and solar panels as well as high quality insulation.
This new community enterprise venue will be a prime example of how we can save on energy cost while providing much needed facilities to support the health and well-being of all in our community whom choose to avail of its facilities. The building’s design will eliminate the use of fossil fuels, reduce overall energy consumption and include on-site renewable energy systems. It will be 100 per cent powered through a mix of solar photovoltaic panels while air handling units will improve heat recovery efficiency by up to 85%.

Community Centre

Eco and Environmentally Friendly Design

Outdoor green design is also an important part of this project. In addition to the building featuring a biodiverse green landscape plan and include the planting of new native trees to improve surrounding green space

Aerial View

Key features include:

• 100 per cent electricity powered (no fossil fuels).
• Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) thermal hybrid panels that generate both heat and electricity simultaneously.
• Air-source heat pumps that use the outdoor air as a source of thermal energy in heating mode.
• Heat recovery units to bring efficiency by 85 per cent.
• High performance building design with air tightness testing process.

Kilrainey Woods

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