Campaí samhraidh 2022/Summer Camps 2022

Campaí samhraidh 2022/Summer Camps 2022

Tá tús curtha le rollú do champaí samhraidh 2022 Le Scoil Drámaíochta an Fhionnuisce, Project Fashion, Arlene Cooke Irish Dance Academy agus Teach na Gaeilge ag tosú an Samhradh seo in Áras Uilinn. Déan teagmháil le heagraithe thíos le haghaidh Sonraí.

Enrolment has began for summer camps 2022 With Phoenix Drama School, Project Fashion, Arlene Cooke Irish Dance Academy and Teach na Gaeilge commencing this Summer in Áras Uilinn. Contact organisers Below for Details.

Cuirfear tús leis an gcampa Dé Luain an 16 Lúnasa agus beidh sé ar siúl go dtí Dé hAoine an 19 Lúnasa 2022. 10.00 am go 2.00 pm gach lá.

Camp commences on Monday August the 16th and runs until Friday the 19th August 2022. 10.00 am to 2.00 pm daily.

Tosaíonn an Campa Dé Máirt 2 Lúnasa agus beidh sé ar siúl go dtí Dé Sathairn an 6 Lúnasa. 9.30 am go 1.30 pm gach láCamp

Commences on Tuesday August the 2nd and runs until Saturday August the 6th. 9.30 am to 1.30 pm daily

Cuirfear tús leis an gcampa samhraidh Dé Luain an 4 Iúil agus beidh sé ar siúl go dtí Dé hAoine an 8 Iúil. freisin Ón Luan Iúil an 11 Iúil go dtí an Aoine An 15 Iúil.

Summer camp commences on Monday the 4th of July and runs until Friday the 8th of July. also From Monday July the 11th until Friday The 15th of July.

Beidh campaí samhraidh Acadamh Damhsa Arlene Cooke ar siúl Dé Máirt an 2 Lúnasa go dtí dé hAoine an 5 Lúnasa agus ón Luan an 8 Lúnasa suas go dtí Dé hAoine an 12 Lúnasa 2022

Arlene Cooke Dance Academy summer camps will run on Tuesday the 2nd of August to Friday the 5th of August and from Monday the 8th of August up until Friday the 12th of August 2022

Campaí Teicneolaíochta Cruthaithí agus Códaithe Trí Lá I Maigh Cuilinn do leanaí idir 8 agus 12 bhliain d’aois ar an 23 Lúnasa go dtí an 25 Lúnasa ó 10:00 am go 1:00 pm. Téacs 0879540799 nó Seol ríomhphost chuig áiteanna a chur in áirithe.

Three Day Creative Technology and Coding Camps In Moycullen for 8 to 12 year olds on the 23rd of August to the 25th of August from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Text 0879540799 or Email to book places.

Féach thíos le do thoil le haghaidh PDF inphriontáilte de Sceideal ár gCampaí Samhraidh Anseo in Áras Uillinn do Shamhradh 2022

Please See Below For printable PDF of our Summer Camp Schedule Here in Áras Uillinn for Summer 2022