Nuacht / News

The Christmas edition of Moycullen Matters is now available from the Community Office and at the usual outlets price €2

Sun 25th Nov: Bake Sale FUNDRAISER: Moycullen 10-2pm@Arus Uilinn. Loads of Goodies! (Like & share with friends!). In aid of Shark Swimming Club.

Sonas fund raising concert. Friday 23rd Nov at the Forge, Moycullen. Free Admision

Plean Teanga Moycullen community consultation

Moycullen Community Development Association/Forbairt Phobail Mhaigh Cuilinn and Conradh na Gaeilge are conducting an Irish language plan for Moycullen. The purpose of this plan is to establish a platform and structures where the Irish language can be used on a daily basis within the community.

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Aughnanure Photo competition Halloween 2018
