Nuacht / News

Free admission ot Aughnanure Castle on the first Wednesday of the month

Irish lessons at Teach na Gaeilge Moycullen. First lesson free! To book your place contact Geraldine at 087 7129851 / 091 555562

Irish conversation classes for adults and children in Moycullen. Contact Gearóidín at 087 7129851

Moycullen Historical Society Heritage Week 2018

Reminder: the next issue of Moycullen Matters; issue No. 157 which will be published in September, 2018, deadline date is 15h August, 2018. We appreciate your continuing contribution to the magazine and would be grateful if you send your contribution as soon as possible. If sending photographs to accompany article we require photographs taken with a camera – not a mobile photograph as it does not print well and the size dimension is not suitable. We require photographs of at least 1MB or in a resolution of 300dpi. Please: only send from 3 to 5 jpgs to accompany article, indicate if more photographs are available if needed. Thank you for your support. Kind regards, Marie Moycullen Matters Production Team
