Nuacht / News

Ever Friday nightMore info – call 087 – 3995877

The full feasibility study which includes plans, site maps and a comprehensive analysis of the need and costs associated with the building of the centre can be downloaded by clicking here  The promoters (Forbairt Pobail Maigh Cuillin Teo) own nearly 30 acres of land in the centre of Maigh Cuillin. Planning permission for a new community centre has been secured in 2013. A detailed demand feasibility study was undertaken in 2008 to establish demand for the community centre, which concluded that there is a viable demand. The build of the community centre including a sporting hall has been estimated by Noel J. Farrell & Associates to total to €3.25M in April 2018 (including VAT).

Sonas Pottery classes have restarted every Thursday from 2-4pm at Áras Uilinn. €6 per class with all materials supplied. Pay as you go. All are welcome.

Learning mindfulness & meditation helps children to deal with their emotions in a balanced healthy way, helps create self-connection and self-awareness, improves self-esteem, helps concentration levels, reduces stress and helps the kids to be gentle and kind to themselves and one another.I will be beginning a new 6-week term in Aras Uilinn, Moycullen on Thursday January 24th 2.40 to 3.40. 60 euro for 6 weeks. If anyone is interested in this for their child or children please contact Una 087 2600726 or PM me at Anois Holistic Therapies
